Coerde in Bewegung is a project focussed on sports and physical activities for children and adolescents up to the age of 16 who are living in Münster’s Coerde district.

Everybody is welcome to share their ideas and suggestions and to help organize project activities. Please get in touch with us if you would like to learn more about the project.


Coerde in Bewegung is a project for children and adolescents up to the age of 16 who are living in Münster’s Coerde district. .
Physical activities and sports are central to the project because of the positive impact they have on health and equal opportunities for children and young people in the district. In order to develop a sustainable structure for these main objectives, we utilize existing resources to expand and interconnect them. Thus we added a focus on physical activity to the well established prevention chain of the district’s programme „Frühe Hilfen“ (Early Childhood Intervention Services), for instance.


Physical activities and sports have less and less place in the everyday lives of children and adolescents. School entry health examinations show that this is also the case in the city of Münster and that this issue has to be addressed in the Coerde district in particular. The three-year project Coerde in Bewegung was launched in 2021 in order to promote the health and, consequently, the equal opportunities of children and adolescents living in the district.


It is the project’s primary goal to implement sustainable physical activity opportunities for children and adolescents in the district and to strengthen existing structures. The project’s spectrum starts at birth and extends through kindergarten and school to leisure time. For that purpose, we aim to create a network of actors from the health, social and educational sectors.
Our long-term goal is the sustainable continuation of the project’s objectives and their transfer to other city districts.


The project is aligned with the needs and concerns of the people living in Coerde. Planned measures include, for instance, sport assistant trainings, the provision of physical activity opportunities in public spaces, the establishment of an activity kindergarten and disseminator trainings. Those measures can be revised and amended to include additional measures if necessary
and they are supported by measures like the creation of a a sustainable network and public relations work.


The project will be continuously evaluated and reflected upon so that sub-objectives can be adapted if necessary. By providing evaluations and reports for the funding bodies and political committees we ensure transparency and meet the requirement of accountability.


The involvement of relevant actors promotes their identification with the project’s topics. Concerns and needs of local children and young people are addressed through the provision of adequate measures. This interconnection of key actors and needs-oriented measures provides the basis for a sustainable structure.
New opportunities for physical activities in the district created as part of the project shall remain in place after the end of the project and insights gained through the project shall be transferred to the city-wide programme „Gesundheit in der nachhaltigen Stadt – Gesunde Lebenswelten in Münster“.

Project Managing Partners

Coerde in Bewegung was initiated in the beginning of 2022 and is managed by the following partners:

Verbund Sozialtherapeutischer Einrichtungen NRW e.V.

The VSE is a non-profit association and an accredited youth welfare organization in North-Rhine Westphalia.

Stadtsportbund Münster e.V.

The Stadtsportbund is a municipal umbrella organization of Münster’s about 200 sports clubs.

Health and Veterinary Office of the City of Münster

It is one of the Health Office’s tasks to support health-promoting lifestyles and to contribute to the development of a health-promoting environment. The Health Office coordinates measures and promotes the expansion of services if necessary.

Project Funding Bodies

Die gesetzlichen Krankenkassen/- verbände NRW


Die Gesundheitskasse AOK


Betriebskrankenkasse BKK


Der Verband der Ersatzkassen e. V. in NRW


Contact Persons

All Ears for Your Ideas

If you would like to share your ideas, to help organize project activities or to learn more about the project, please get in touch with one of the following contacts:

Chitam Hense

Verbund Sozialtherapeutischer Einrichtungen NRW e.V.
E-Mail: c.hense@vse-nrw.de
Telefon: 0178 – 470 59 68

Felix Lüppens

Stadtsportbund Münster e.V.
E-Mail: f.lueppens@ssb.ms
Telefon: 0251-383476-51

Merle Heitkötter

Stadt Münster, Gesundheitsamt
E-Mail: heitkoetter@stadt-muenster.de
Telefon: 0251 492-5388